Sunday, September 30, 2012


Writers strategy 1-Logos

I will use logos in my op-ed by using facts, evidence, and logical reasoning to persuade my readers into favoring proposition 30.
Evidence I will use:
  • prop. 30 will provide funding billions of dollars to K-12 and higher education from the tax increase posed on all californians
  • If it does not pass, tuitions at CSUs will increase
  • Community colleges, Cabrillo in particular, will lose spaces for at least 180 full-time students 
  • This causes students who are motivated and dedicated to school could lose their motivation to succeed and excel
  • Raise in tuitions will cause many students to not be able to attend school, when they are able to now.
  • Counter-argument: even though income taxes will increase even more for higher income individuals, their are way more people who make less money than that who need this help

The evidence and reasoning I provide will persuade the reader to favor proposition 30 because I will bring to light solid facts proving that prop. 30 is more beneficial than hurtful to Californians.  I will also cover the counter-argument and empathize with the other side, while still arguing that my opinion is smarter.

Writing strategy 2- Ethos

I will use ethos in my essay to show my credibility on the topic of education in California.
Since I am a college student in California, I have experienced many let-downs and flaws in my few years of schooling here.  I have not been able to get into classes that I need for my major, causing my schooling to take longer than it should and in turn cost me more money while tuitions are still climbing. I have also had to sit in classrooms without a seat and be rushed through time to ask questions because classes are so impacted.

The effect I hope for is that the reader will see that I am knowledgable about the flaws in the school system caused by lack of funding and I am directly effected by them.    Readers who are not students will hopefully be able to see the problem through my eyes and empathize.

Writing strategy 3- Pathos

I will use pathos in my essay to appeal to the emotions of the readers by referring to the passing of prop. 30 helping kids  who don’t have the power to make a change on their own.  We want our country to keep improving and not be a bunch of uneducated idiots because education is too stressful and unfair.

I hope that this will make the reader to empathize with me and feel sad for all the little kids that might not get jobs in the future because of their inadequate schooling. I hope that they feel a sense of obligation to help the nation’s youth who are still searching for and preparing for future careers.

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Annotated Bibliography

Rivera, Carla. "Cal State System to Hike Tuition 5% If Prop. 30 Fails." Los Angeles Times. Los Angeles Times, 18 Sept. 2012. Web. 24 Sept. 2012. <,0,5650848.story>.

Carla Rivera reports on the effects of Proposition 30 on tuition increases at California State Universities, trustees of CSU approved a plan to raise tuition 5% if Prop. 30 fails, raising the annual undergraduate tuition to $6270, not including books and supplies.  Failure of Proposition 30 would trigger a $250 million funding cut to the Cal State system.  If the proposition passes, Cal state would have to refund tuition checks, grant tuition credit and recalculate financial aid packages, because the passing of Prop. 30 would rescind the 9% tuition hike that took place this fall that could raise millions in revenue.  The finance panel approved the measure by a vote of 6-1.  Lillian Taiz, president of the California Faculty Association, spoke against the tuition increase saying that other options to save cost had not been properly considered.  The board of trustees at CSU are urging for the passing of prop. 30, even with some reluctance from a few members, because it will help families and students drastically.  

"NEWS & PRESS - Schools & Safety Protection Act - Yes on Prop 30." NEWS & PRESS - Schools & Safety Protection Act - Yes on Prop 30. N.p., n.d. Web. 24 Sept. 2012. <>.

        Bill Freeman explains that California once had a school system eviable by most.  It was blessed with up-to-date textbooks, supplies for classrooms, excited and respected teachers and produced successful adults, but the education system has taken a turn for the worst.  Without proper enrichment programs, current textbooks, special classes and support staff it is not doing the job it once did to prepare children for college and future careers. In the last 4 years, nearly $20 billion has been cut from the funding of California schools, leaving 30,000 educators without jobs.  Since we’ve lost this excellent school system, measures must be taken in order to get it back. Reinvesting in education is the answer to fixing these flaws in our school system.  Proposition 30 is the only measure that stops cuts, steep tuition hikes and puts the focus back on the students to insure them a bright future.  Although this proposition will not completely alleviate the bad situation in our schools, but it is the closest thing to bringing them back to a stable and progressive state.

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Idiot Nation

Michael Moore's essay "Idiot Nation" is an opinion editorial explaining Michael Moore views about the idiotic people in the United States.  He believes that Americans are ignorant, lazy people, and the politicians of this country are to blame for it.  He explains the negative school experience that America's youth is faced with and the effects of a seriously flawed educational system.  Moore points out the most obviously idiotic actions of our country's elected officials and asks us all to question our role in our idiot nation.  We all have the power to make a difference in our nation, let's do something good by using our brains!

  1. The general education requirements at Cabrillo I think are definitely adequate for educating me to be a well-rounded individual.  I am required to take a variety of classes that have helped me in the real world, and that I use apply to my daily life.  My general education has required a variety of math classes, english, communications, history, arts, and science.  I believe that Cabrillo in particular is a great school as far as community colleges go. 

  1. The most interesting part about reading this piece was Michael Moore’s examples of our nation’s idiocracy.  One example that shocked me as just completely ridiculous was Fred Barnes’ comment about children being uneducation about the lIliad and the Odyssey.  But when Fred Barnes was asked to explain what the lIliad and the Odyssey are he was stumped and mumbled “fine, you got me.”  This type of example is a recurring trend throughout this essay.  It really goes to show that people will do a lot of pointing fingers in the wrong direction without first looking at themselves to see what change they could make in their own behavior.  I really enjoyed that his retort to that comment was, “you gladly hawk your ‘wisdom’ to hundreds of thousands of unsuspecting citizens, gleefully scorning others for their ignorance.  Yet you and your guests know little or nothing yourselves.  Grow up, get some books, and go to your room.  Another example from this piece that I enjoyed was the reference to American politicians being obsessed with standardized testing in our schools. Kids already hate taking tests and forcing them to do more tests will just make kids absolutely dread them and in turn be less motivated to do well, producing lower scores, and more politicians taking the wrong approach to produce higher scores.  

I actually read this article when I didn’t even know it was assigned for this class and Imo glad that it was one of the ones on the course syllabus.  I don’t totally agree with a lot of Michael Moore’s harsh opinions, but as far as his view on education I believe he really hit the nail on the head.  It’s as if he sees the truth and everyone else is seeing the world with a blanket over their eyes.  I believe that the problems in our education system could be more easily solved if we all stopped to look at things practically like Michael Moore.

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Week 2

  1. Para Theresa is partly written in English and partly in Spanish to show the different cultures influencing the girls in the poem.  They are Latina girls in an English system, and the lines in Spanish help to show the contrast between the culture they were raised in, in comparison to the culture that they are being educated in.  Teresa is rebelling against the system and the lines pertaining to her are in Spanish, while most of the lines  are in English to show that Ines is conforming to the English way of pursuing her education.  The two languages show the conflict between the two girls, because they are both experiencing outside pressures to become something other than what they naturally are
  2. I believe that narrator wrote the poem reflecting back on her past with Teresa because she forgives Teresa for the past and wants to let her know that she cares for her anyway.  Ines overcame the bullying that came from Teresa’s anger towards her dedication to her education and in the end became successful from it.  When she was a child, the fight was much more meaningful in her daily life and it made her schooling hard, but as Ines looks back on it, she realizes that the fight was forgivable and she understands why Teresa acted the way that she did.  When we are children the people that hurt us shape the way that we view the world and how we act towards people.  Ines wrote the poem to show Teresa that even though she was harsh and hurtful towards her for trying to please her family through school, she understands why she did it and sees her as a sister anyway.  The poem is a way of showing Teresa that she is letting go of the past and trying to move on.

6. Larry Sand believes that taking payroll deductions for political purposes from union workers is immoral and wrong.  He believes that the CTA is skimping teachers on paychecks and is being dishonest towards parents about the education that their children are receiving.  He says that Prop. 32 is the best hope to rescue the next generations from less than adequate schools.  Also, the passing of Prop. 32 will eliminate the tie between special interests and politicians, and in turn insure a better education for our future generations.

In response to this article, I think that I would have to agree with Larry Sand.  I think that  corporations should not be able to contribute endless amounts of money to political matters.  It overrides individual voices in the general public whose voices are ignored because people listen to money. When politicians are awarded unlimited funds towards their campaigns, democracy goes out the window because the voice of the people is overrided by the voices of a few powerful people with fat pockets.

Monday, September 3, 2012

I am...

I am Madeline Thompson.  I am a 22 year old Cabrillo student studying nursing and hoping to transfer to San Francisco State.  I have a passion for traveling, and I am always busy doing something.  I am currently a full-time student and also work at Bunny's Shoes downtown.  Although I don't have a lot of free time, I always find something fun to do with my friends when I do.

 I think I will bring many gifts to this class. I have always enjoyed english and reading, and i'm very talkative and outgoing which I believe is a positive attribute for this class.  Like the tiger, I am bold and daring, and I like to encourage others in discussions and put my ideas on the table.  I think my positive attitude and passion for the subject will make the classroom a fun and interesting environment, and I am very excited to be a part of this class!